It’s all about habits. It’s so easy to get lazy and let things grow untidy. If needed, put a note on your desk or in your digital calendar to remind yourself that you must take 15 minutes to clean up your desk and put everything away.
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Organise those wires.
Some pieces of velcro wrapped around wires can go a long ways toward cleaning things up. Also make sure that you have wires that are long enough to tuck out of the way.
Filing System.
Having things placed in the correct location will ensure that clutter is kept to a minimum. Since a lot of work is normally done on the PC, paper documents can easily be scanned, which limits the amount of space needed for these documents.
Classify and store your files.
Classify the papers that you’ve decided to keep according to time. Documents that you need for current work should be kept in your desk. Place them into different folders categorized according to the document’s nature or whether they are incoming or outgoing. Files not for immediate use can be stored in cabinets.
Keep things at a minimum.
Limit decorations on your desk as much as possible. While it’s great to personalise your work area so it won’t look so dull, putting too many stuffed toys, mini figurines and pictures of loved ones is going to clutter your desk (not to mention, they will collect dust over time).
Proximity based on frequency of use.
This is the key organization tip for any type of organizing. If you use something every day, it should be closer than something you use only a few times each week.
Designate drawers.
If you have a lot of stationary, make a drawer to keep it in.
Work on one thing at a time.
Once an item is done, all the associated documents should be stored or discarded before pulling out the next item and its related documents to work on. This not only keeps your desk clear, but gives a wonderful sense of accomplishment and a strong sense of moving through your day quickly and effectively.
Don’t Eat at the Desk.
While taking a lunch break at the desk may be efficient in some circumstances, it can be quite messy and unprofessional if clients come in and see loose crumbs or wrappers laying around the office.
Wet Wipes.
Have at arm’s reach wet wipes or disinfectant and paper towel to clean up any accidents, spillage, coffee marks you may leave behind during the course of the day.
Take out the trash.
Get rid of the garbage. Don’t let it sit around the office for a couple of days: shred, recycle or toss.
Regular maintenance.
By sticking to a schedule, most people can make it easier for themselves to keep there area clean, neat, and organized. Try choosing a specific time during the week or clean your desk before you leave.
Remember, a clean office promotes a healthy working environment, improved work performance, and supports better customer relations.
How do you clean / organize your work space?