The Benefits of Working Standing Up

  WINSTON CHURCHILL knew it. Ernest Hemingway knew it. Leonardo da Vinci knew it. Every trendy office from Silicon Valley to Scandinavia now knows it too: there is virtue in working standing up. The first major benefit of using a standing desk is avoiding all of the negatives that make sitting at a desk bad for you. Check out> Correct office posture Click through for more Health Kick tips.   Health benefits:    You burn more calories standing, and your body processes its glucose more efficiently. The first is crucial to tackling excess weight and its knock-on risks of high blood pressure ...

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Office Desk Guide

The desk is the center of the office. The important role the desk plays makes choosing the right one essential to beating clutter. First and foremost, your desk must be the right size for your needs. A desk that is too small makes it hard to work efficiently and keep the basic office tools at hand. But a desk that is too large becomes a wide, empty space inviting clutter.   Type of office desks:    L-Shaped Desk The famous “L-shape” works well whether you want an executive desk, a computer desk, or prefer the design of traditional desks. L-shaped ...

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