15 Tips to Stick To Your New Year Resolutions 2015

New Year’s Eve has always been a time for looking back to the past, and more importantly, forward to the coming year. It’s a time to reflect on the changes we want (or need) to make and resolve to follow through on those changes. However, New Year’s resolutions are tricky. When they are too specific or too unachievable, we inevitably abandon them.    Popular New Year’s resolutions around the world •Lose weight •Manage debt/save money •Get a better job •Get fit •Eat right •Get a better education •Drink less alcohol •Quit smoking •Reduce stress overall and/or at work •Take a trip ...

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Ways to Find Inspiration

  Inspiration is that state of mind where you feel highly stimulated to do something. Your senses are heightened, you feel invincible, full of energy and enthusiasm and you are completely dedicated to what you are doing. Making time for yourself allows you to focus your attention on who you are, what you love and what inspires you. So I’m challenging you to find (or make) time for yourself even if it’s 15 minutes before or after work and allow yourself to discover what inspires you.    Click through to also Find out how to improve concentration.    Below a list ...

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Transform Your Weakness into Strengths

Click here if you need advice with personal assistant interview questions or PA interview questions. The question every job applicant dreads is “what are your weaknesses?” If you’re uncomfortable answering this question, join the club. We all have our own personal weaknesses. For some of us, these weaknesses are caused by the lack of a skill or certain knowledge. Other weaknesses come down to our personalities. Some people are shy, overconfident or temperamental.   Growth begins when we begin to accept our weaknesses. ~Jean Vanier    Asses yourself. Look into yourself. Check yourself. What are your strong points? These refer to some tasks that ...

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Nov 8, 2013

14 Ways to Cultivate Good Karma in your Workplace – Life

The word ‘karma’ is derived from the Sanskrit Kri, meaning ‘to do’. However, in the yogic context karma means not only action, but also the result of an action. Karma is defined as the force generated by a person’s actions, habits, and behaviours. It is not based on something intangible or uncontrollable. Karma exists day to day and, for all of us who spend most of our days working. Creating good karma is not about being religious. One need not even be a Buddhist or belong to any religious faith to create good karma. What you do need is to develop ...

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Achieve Better Work-Life Balance

In today’s busy world, prioritising between your work and your personal life can be a huge challenge. Is spending every possible minute on your work the best thing for your business? Is it the best thing for your life? What about work life balance? It seems logical that the more you put into work, the more you will get out of it, right? However, eventually, we all know that this leads to burn out, and can actually have a negative effect on your business and even worse, your life and those around you.   See here for more on a healthy work life balance.   ...

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How Important is Taking Time Off

As an employee, taking a holiday gives you well-deserved time off from work. Holidays have been shown to increase physical and mental well-being as well as productivity and focus. Taking a “work-free” holiday by not responding to e-mails and voicemails increases the benefits of taking time off.  #1. Don’t wait for the perfect time The nature of many jobs is that there will never be an easy time to take time off, no matter how well you plan for it in advance. But that’s no reason to not go at all. It’s in your employer’s best interests to have well-rested and ...

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Boost Your Confidence at Work

Confidence and self-esteem are fundamental in achieving success in both your personal and work life. Lack of confidence can be a real hindrance in your job. It could be preventing you from progressing in your company, or having a negative effect on your relationships with colleagues. Developing your confidence means you can be more in control, and enjoy things that you were previously too scared to do.   Some of the typical issues that break down our confidence while at work are:   ▪ Doubt we can do the job/task ▪ Too many competing opinions ▪ Politics ▪ Difficult people ▪ Difficult conversations ...

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14 Top Mental Tricks to Stop Cravings at The Office

What causes food cravings? Understanding what causes your food cravings is the first step toward controlling them. Though the exact cause of food cravings is difficult to pinpoint, many doctors and nutritionists alike believe that they develop as a result of a complex medley of biochemical processes and a variety of hormonal and emotional factors.     There are many additional theories as to the causes of food cravings, some of which can be found below:    Lack of nutrients If your body has inadequate nutrients, it will produce odd cravings. For example, inadequate mineral levels produce salt cravings, and overall inadequate ...

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Brain Food – Eat Smart for a Healthier Brain

  Today I want to share with you the top 15 foods you can eat for boost your brain power. Eating these foods will increase your energy, provide clarity of thought and help sustain a good memory. Add these ‘superfoods’ to your daily diet, and you will increase your odds of maintaining a healthy brain for the rest of your life.    #1. Blueberries. Help protect the brain from oxidative stress and may reduce the effects of age-related conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. Studies have also shown that diets rich in blueberries significantly improved both the learning capacity and motor skills. ...

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10 Tips to Detox Your Mind

  Focus and concentration are powerful things. When you are able to focus your energy, you can bring about any result you want. You can manifest anything. When you focus and concentrate your energy on a goal, you automatically begin thinking about it and taking steps towards it. The more focused you are, the faster you will be able to achieve it.   Here are 10 tips to block out all the noise and quiet your mind    Start your day with a plan. Start out with a plan. It doesn’t need to be very involved. If you’re not a big ...

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