10 Apps which Help You Achieve Your 2015 New Year’s Resolutions

Whether you have small, short-term goals or big dreams for your future, the key to achieving them is in regularly reviewing your resolutions so they don’t get forgotten. We know it’s hard to keep track of your New Year resolutions. Often times, we stay motivated for a month or two only to find that life gets in the way. Thankfully, there are loads of free and paid apps out there to help you keep track and fulfill your resolutions.     These 10 excellent apps can help turn sadly failed resolutions into proudly achieved goals    Fooducate Eat Smarter. If you wish ...

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8 Fabulous Apps to Help Manage Your Goals

How can PAs be more productive at work and in their personal lives? It probably comes down to planning, consistency and accountability, among other things. And guess what- there’s quite a few apps for that! There are lots of tools available on the web to remind you to do something, connect you with people who are doing the same thing, and help you look back on your progress to see how close you are to your goal. So what’s the key to creating a goal and actually sticking to it?     Take a look at these apps to increase ...

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Top 20 Tips to Achieve Your Career Goals

We spend so much time and energy at work, that it would be a waste if we didn’t at least make the effort to set out achieving career goals. You must take complete control over every part of your life and create your own future. You must leave nothing to chance. Luck or hard work? When some people achieve great success faster than others, they are immediately accused of having “good luck” and rarely get credit for their hard work. When people make a mess of their lives, largely due to their own shortcomings, it’s often dismissed as “bad luck.” ...

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