8 Steps to Managing a Crisis at Work

Work is a place like every other and like good things, bad things can happen as well. The worst thing you can do when crisis happens is to blame someone else. Even if that someone is to blame. When things go downhill, it can be the right time for you to prove your skills, resourcefulness, compassion and calmness. These four qualities can make the difference between an employee who does his job and an employee who is leader material. But to take responsibility does not mean that you should dig deep and hide silently while waiting for your computer to ...

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12 Quick Tips for Obtaining Your Next Promotion at Work

Have you ever been promoted? If so, congratulations. If not, there might be something you can do about that.   Follow these simple workplace tips to help you gain a promotion and impress at work.   Go the extra mile Giving up just five or 10 minutes at the start and end of your day will barely impact on your schedule, but will definitely be noticed by your superiors who may just be looking at who is deserving of promotion.    Create an action plan The next step is to create an action plan.  You should plan to close any gap ...

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How To Be More Persuasive at Work

What is Persuasion? Persuasion is the act of getting a sentient being other than yourself to adopt a particular belief or pursue a particular action.   Here are a couple techniques of top performers that you can use in your own workplace interactions to be more persuasive and influential by Monday morning:    Be the first to give Studies show that people who have done something for us first persuade us more. We’re more likely to help work colleagues with their projects if they have helped us with ours. Requests that are personalized are most persuasive of all.     Listen ...

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Beat Depression at Work

A recent study found depression was the #1 obstacle to professional success. At any one time one worker in six will be experiencing depression, anxiety or problems relating to stress. It’s a normal part of working life. Many people find it difficult dealing with depression and anxiety in the workplace; you are not alone. It is hard to keep a good positive balance, as work is often very demanding. Some pressure at work can be motivating, but when it becomes excessive it can eventually lead to work-related stress. However, workers feel unable to disclose mental health problems to colleagues or ...

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11 Simple Tips to Stay Healthy at the Office

Do you ever feel too tired to exercise after a long day at work? Do you end up craving sweets and junk food after a stressful day? Are you frustrated by feeling as though you simply can’t stay healthy and fit because you sit at a desk too much? Sitting too much, even if you are active outside of work hours, has been linked to increased health problems.   See here for more on a healthy work life balance. Consider these 11 tips for staying healthy at work.    Eat Breakfast! If you are hungry, you are much more likely ...

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How to Avoid Negativity at Work

One of the greatest challenges people in the workplace face is avoiding bad vibes. After spending enough time in the company of other people, you and I know that there are individuals that radiate negativity. They give off such bad vibes that you can’t wait to get away. If you don’t want to constantly feel this way, then you need to find a way to cope with the negative people in your life. Once you identify them, try to use these tips to handle them. Some studies suggest that about 70% of all conflicts in the workplace are based not ...

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How to Handle with Difficult Colleagues

At some point in their career, most people will have to work with someone obstructive, difficult and generally unpleasant. So, how do you deal with the jerks at work? So what can you do? I can sum up your options like this: you can leave, you can bury your head or you can take a stand. It doesn’t sound like you want to leave, and nor should you have to. That leaves you with the last option: facing up to your colleague and addressing the issue.   Click through for more PAs career advice.   Here are 9 tips that I’ve found to ...

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The Benefits of Working Standing Up

  WINSTON CHURCHILL knew it. Ernest Hemingway knew it. Leonardo da Vinci knew it. Every trendy office from Silicon Valley to Scandinavia now knows it too: there is virtue in working standing up. The first major benefit of using a standing desk is avoiding all of the negatives that make sitting at a desk bad for you. Check out> Correct office posture Click through for more Health Kick tips.   Health benefits:    You burn more calories standing, and your body processes its glucose more efficiently. The first is crucial to tackling excess weight and its knock-on risks of high blood pressure ...

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14 Steps to Happiness at Work

Do success and satisfaction automatically go hand in hand? Not always. Developing the keys to thrive – not just survive – at your job requires effort, but the payoff is well worth it.  According to The Wall Street Journal, happy employees are 36% more motivated, 31% more successful in achieving their goals, and 33% more likely to assist their coworkers when compared with their unhappy counterparts, workplace contentment is an important objective for many companies. It is inevitable that there will be problems in work, as in life. What separates the happy from the frustrated is how we choose to ...

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Nov 8, 2013

14 Ways to Cultivate Good Karma in your Workplace – Life

The word ‘karma’ is derived from the Sanskrit Kri, meaning ‘to do’. However, in the yogic context karma means not only action, but also the result of an action. Karma is defined as the force generated by a person’s actions, habits, and behaviours. It is not based on something intangible or uncontrollable. Karma exists day to day and, for all of us who spend most of our days working. Creating good karma is not about being religious. One need not even be a Buddhist or belong to any religious faith to create good karma. What you do need is to develop ...

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