14 Steps to Happiness at Work

Do success and satisfaction automatically go hand in hand? Not always. Developing the keys to thrive – not just survive – at your job requires effort, but the payoff is well worth it.  According to The Wall Street Journal, happy employees are 36% more motivated, 31% more successful in achieving their goals, and 33% more likely to assist their coworkers when compared with their unhappy counterparts, workplace contentment is an important objective for many companies. It is inevitable that there will be problems in work, as in life. What separates the happy from the frustrated is how we choose to ...

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Achieve Better Work-Life Balance

In today’s busy world, prioritising between your work and your personal life can be a huge challenge. Is spending every possible minute on your work the best thing for your business? Is it the best thing for your life? What about work life balance? It seems logical that the more you put into work, the more you will get out of it, right? However, eventually, we all know that this leads to burn out, and can actually have a negative effect on your business and even worse, your life and those around you.   See here for more on a healthy work life balance.   ...

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