Top 10 Soft Skills

When it comes to applying for a new job, the main focus tends to be on the qualifications and technical requirements if the position. And as much as these are necessary in order to get your CV and submission noticed by the relevant hiring managers, it’s the addition of soft skills – these being the cluster of personality traits, social graces, communication, and the sort that round you off a professional – that may just land you the job, and indeed serve you well in truly proving yourself and progressing with your career. Make sure that you highlight your soft ...

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Skills You Need to Succeed At Work

There are certain skills and attributes that are universally sought by employers. Most likely you possess one or more of these attributes which is certainly good news!   Identify a key set of skills you should focus if you want to achieve success when starting a new job.    Knowing how and when to show empathy Having the ability to place yourself in someone else’s shoes is a key people skill.    Leadership The ability to take control of a situation and to lead by empowering others into an effective team. Inspiring and energizing others to carry out tasks and ...

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How to Improve Your Communication Skills

Strong verbal communication skills are important for everyone to master. They are extremely valuable in both your personal and professional life. These days, technology is making everything easier. Unfortunately, easier doesn’t always mean better, and in the case of communication, the same ease that allows you to bridge long distances in a matter of seconds may also be crippling your ability to communicate well when it matters the most. In the business world, communication is especially important, and ineffective communication can make or break your success.   Here are a 14 Simple Tips to Improve Your Communication Skills    Watch Your ...

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