Business Travel Etiquette Tips

The impressions you make as a visiting business can be the deciding factor in whether or not the business relationship will thrive. A few simple etiquette tips can help make your business trip not only easier, but also more effective. When you go abroad you’re going to experience new cultures, people, food, music and probably a new language. All of the newness combined with the lack of things and people that you are familiar with might cause you to have some anxiety. This type of anxiety is called cultural shock. Expect to experience some degree of cultural shock.   Click ...

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Business Lunch and Dinner Etiquette

 Restaurant conversation Come prepared to the business meal in the same way as a job interview. The primary objective is to participate in a fruitful conversation; eating is secondary. It’s also a good idea to have more casual topics to talk about. Don’t be lured into a debate, so stay away from topics such as politics and religion. Talking about activities or hobbies such as gardening and fishing are better ice-breakers.    Select the right type of restaurant for the meeting A quieter atmosphere, in most cases, is more conducive to business than a loud, deli type environment.    Specify where you ...

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Business Etiquette – Common Mistakes

One of the biggest mistakes you can make in your career is not understanding that there are certain codes and rules to abide by in the workplace. If you’re not careful, you may even lose opportunities because others are put off by your lack of professionalism.      Don’t Listen to Your Music Player in the Elevator. and don’t check your e-mail messages. “Wearing earplugs is like putting a Do Not Disturb sign on you”. It sends a message to colleagues that you want to be left alone, an unfriendly gesture at best. Elevators and hallways are prime spots for friendly, ...

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