Motivational Speech Tips

  What is a motivational speech? The purpose of a motivational speech is to encourage personal or professional growth in the audience. A motivational speech has the intention of motivating an audience to take a specific type of action.   When it comes to motivating an audience during a speech, a few steps must be taken in order for the speech to be effective    Visual Aids To help people concentrate on the main points of your speech, prepare coloured, interesting visual aids to use during your motivational speaking. People like to see evidence of what you’re talking about.    Find ...

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Top 24 Interview Questions and 13 Tips for PAs

Tell me more about yourself? Can you tell me about your current/last job? Why do you want to leave your current job? What has been your greatest achievement in your working history? Why do you want to work here? Are you willing to travel for this job? Are you willing to relocate for this job? Our requirement is for someone who can multi task and wear many hats. Does this sound like something you are interested in? Describe a time you were working on a project, and your colleagues did not agree with you, how did you solve this and ...

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Tips to Feng Shui your Office

It’s really not surprising that Donald Trump, SONY, DISNEY and other multi-million dollar corporations follow the advice of Feng Shui consultants. After all… the ancient Chinese science of Feng Shui has a 5,000 year history of increasing prosperity and improving health & relationships for those who used it correctly. The whole concept of Feng Shui has been established in order to promote better understanding, balance and equilibrium in one’s life. Feng Shui can bring about good Chi or positive energy into one’s life, even in an official setting. It can help people establish a better relation with one another in the ...

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How to Become a Virtual Assistant

Are you tired of working under the supervision of others and want to be your own boss now? Well, if you have already given up working for others and have plans to start your own business then it is best to read this article with some of the best tips on how to become a VA. What is a Virtual Assistant? A Virtual Assistant provides a range of administrative support services remotely over the Internet, to a range of clients, from a fully equipped home-office. Many work entirely from home, which others travel frequently and even occasionally work in their clients’ ...

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Correct Office Posture

How you use your computer can be a major cause of back, neck, and shoulder pain. Here are some simple tips on how to help prevent injuries when using your computer.         If your plagued by headaches, back or neck pain or a sore wrist at the end of a work day, you posture may be to blame.     Limit continuous computer use and take a break every 30 minutes to do some neck, wrist, and shoulder stretches. Focus on a distant point to give your eyes a break. Get up and walk around every hour. Change ...

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