Review Category : SERVICES

The Ultimate 14 Email Etiquette Tips

Email is one of the most common forms of communication. How you compose an email can reveal a lot about you – your professionalism, your communication skills, your personal image, and your attention to detail. It’s time for a more mindful approach, one that fully embraces a “less is more” strategy. To help you get started, we’ve assembled a cheat sheet of our email best practices. And, trust us, it’s not just about being more polite, it’s about being more efficient and getting the responses you need.   There are three styles of email: Informal, e.g. emails between friends. Standard, ...

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How To Be More Persuasive at Work

What is Persuasion? Persuasion is the act of getting a sentient being other than yourself to adopt a particular belief or pursue a particular action.   Here are a couple techniques of top performers that you can use in your own workplace interactions to be more persuasive and influential by Monday morning:    Be the first to give Studies show that people who have done something for us first persuade us more. We’re more likely to help work colleagues with their projects if they have helped us with ours. Requests that are personalized are most persuasive of all.     Listen ...

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How to Find a Job Online

If you’re unemployed or ready to make a career change, there’s no time like the present to use the Internet to help you with your job search. Looking for a job has never been an easy task. Fortunately, these days, the Internet is an effective tool for online job search. All of us have searched for jobs at one point of the time or other. In fact, depending on your job and your job satisfaction, you may be looking for a new job even after you are gainfully employed.     Here are some steps to keep in mind for ...

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Top 10 Job Interview Mistakes

The interview is the single most stressful part of the job search process. Any number of things can go wrong, and a big part of being successful is avoiding simple mistakes.   You don’t want anything to stand in the way of you and your new job, so here are 10 simple interview mistakes to avoid:      Using your phone Answering your phone or texting during an interview is a sure-fire way to send the message that you’ve clearly got more important things to do. Just turn it off.    Arriving late You can make a very bad impression ...

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Job Interview Etiquette and Manners

Essential, hints, tips, advice and guidance on interview etiquette and the suitable manners for the occasion. When you’re looking for a job, the little things really do matter. Never underestimate the power of thoughtfulness. A well written thank you note or a bit of pre-interview preparation can mean the difference between getting hired or not.   Here are some ways to make sure you have good job interview etiquette.    Advise the receptionist of your arrival If you find yourself in the reception area of your potential employer, good job interview etiquette is to inform the receptionist that you have arrived ...

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Online Reputation-Networking

Today we’d like to give you some advice on how to use the mighty world wide web to your advantage. Social media can be fantastic at helping you build a network but beware things can go wrong in a click! Employers are more aware of your online presence than ever. So, wherever you are in your career, and whatever career you’re in, your online reputation is vital to your future. This guide provides advice on making your online self just as professional, impressive and sophisticated as you are.    Google Yourself The first step is an obvious one: have a ...

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How to Choose Between Two Different Job Offers

Like much in life, job offers can sometimes be a bit like buses. Yes, you read that right: buses. How so? Well, you’ll spend ages waiting for a new one to come along, desperately even, either shivering at a bus stop or waiting longingly for your phone to ring, when then, as if out of the blue – although, not really, given the time you’ve already invested in this endeavour – not one, but two come along at once! What are the chances, huh!? But unlike buses, choosing between two jobs can prove complicated, stressful and even a little distressing. ...

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Top 10 Soft Skills

When it comes to applying for a new job, the main focus tends to be on the qualifications and technical requirements if the position. And as much as these are necessary in order to get your CV and submission noticed by the relevant hiring managers, it’s the addition of soft skills – these being the cluster of personality traits, social graces, communication, and the sort that round you off a professional – that may just land you the job, and indeed serve you well in truly proving yourself and progressing with your career. Make sure that you highlight your soft ...

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Following Up During Your Job Hunt

The job hunt is a gruelling and arduous time in any professional’s life – we’ve all been there and can attest to as much. However, it’s precisely because it’s such a pain that you need to get smart about how you approach it, and following up throughout the process can often be one of the most useful, yet regularly overlooked, tools at your disposal. But if you’re hesitant about how to go about it, or indeed when to make that extra, seemingly unnecessary bit of contact, then see below for our guide on following up during the job hunting process. ...

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Christmas Party Etiquette

It’s getting to that point of the year when offices up and down the country get to have a night out on the company – a night which in many cases leads to regrets on the morning after the night before. It’s not always a case of hanging your head in total, career jeopardising shame, however. Sometimes it’s simply a case of mild embarrassment and cringing at the thought of the antics that a few too many drinks brought about.   See here for our guide on Christmas Party Themes.   But whether it’s all out regret or just the ...

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